About the Zoo

The Little Zoo’s mission is simple, yet powerful; to bring joy, loving connection and healing through visits with animals!
Our story
In 2017, founder Erin Maxick started out working for The Mobile Zoo of Southern California visiting seniors, kids at parties and doing educational shows. Erin discovered the profound effect that spending time sharing the love of animals can have. There are so many unable to afford these programs, so Erin set out with love and dedication to provide a low to no cost service to those in need while offering birthday and special event services to support the non-profit work.
Over the years, Erin and started rescuing, adopting and caring for a little zoo of animals at her home with the idea that she would eventually visit those in need.
While dog related animal therapy groups are plentiful, there are far fewer that bring out snakes, lizards, tortoises, chickens and more! The delight, sensory and cognitive stimulation these special animals bring is absolutely amazing!
Visit our Visits & Events page to learn more.